Thursday, August 26, 2010

Coronary Heart Disease Treatment, Treatment of CHD, Self-Care at home for Coronary Heart Disease CHD

Self-Care at Home only when recommended by Health Provider:

The most important ways to reduce the risk of heart disease are in your control, not the control of your health care provider. Lifestyle changes is necessary to help prevent heart disease from getting worse or in the first place reducing the risk of getting heart disease.

The following measures will help to lower the risk of heart disease:
An important step is to eat a Heart-healthy diet. Lower your fat intake as calories from fat should be less than 30% of your total calorie intake every day. This translates to less than 60 grams of fat per day for an adult.
Lower your blood cholesterol to the recommended level, especially the LDL cholesterol as this helps to keep plaque from building up within your coronary arteries.
Engage in regular exercise. Exercise strengthens the heart, makes it more efficient, and lowers your blood pressure and bad cholesterol (LDL), yet raises you good cholesterol (HDL). Check with your health care provider before beginning an exercise program. The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week. 
Quit smoking this is a highly recommended change. After only 3 years of not smoking, your risk of heart disease drops to that of a nonsmoker. Your health care provider can help you quit smoking by providing guidance on changing your behavior. Certain medications have been shown to help some people quit smoking.
Control high blood pressure and diabetes Your blood sugar level should be less than 7.0. Take a low-dose aspirin daily as prescribed by your doctor

Note that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was used for many years to prevent coronary heart disease and heart attack in women who had gone through menopause. However it was found that women who took HRT actually had higher rates of heart disease and stroke than women who did not take HRT and so HRT is no longer recommended for prevention of heart disease.

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